
Social Research

Social Research is becoming increasingly important for the social enterprise sector with the need to report to investors, funders, boards, and other stakeholders.

We are dedicated to developing enterprising and sustainable services in the social enterprise community and believe research can help achieve this by providing relevant and vital information to direct and shape your business.

As well as managing research projects in house, we are supported by Social Value Lab, which is an independent social purpose business, part owned by CEIS. Social Value Lab works across the UK and internationally, conducting research, gathering evidence, influencing policy, and creating new ventures. The team at Social Value Lab have an in depth knowledge and experience in the sector working with:

  • Community Groups
  • Voluntary Organisations
  • Social Enterprises
  • National Government
  • Local Public Authorities
  • Funders and Investors
  • Third Sector Intermediaries

Contact us to discuss how our work can provide valuable information to support and develop your organisation, community, or service.

To read more about Social Value Lab and the work they do, visit www.socialvaluelab.org.uk



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