In November 2022, during Trustees Week, our Business Adviser Nina Graham delivered an event in partnership with the Glasgow Council for Voluntary Services (GCVS), Glasgow Social Enterprise Network (GSEN) and Volunteer Glasgow (VG). Called Getting On Board, it was created to help boards recruit new trustees by facilitating an event for boards to pitch to an audience interested in becoming trustees. What follows are her reflections on the event.
Creating the Event
As people have become more enthusiastic about meeting in person again, I have been facilitating an increasing number of board development sessions. My role involves co-design of the session and identification of objectives and outputs. I assist with the development of the agenda, content and materials, and facilitate an interactive session to encourage a flow of ideas and conversation around priorities and action planning. When budgets allow, these sessions take place in a venue away from the workplace to offer an informal but focused and inclusive environment. I really enjoy this area of work, and this led me to becoming involved with Getting on Board.
Partnership Working is Crucial
Because the event is delivered in partnership with GCVS, GSEN, and VG, together we share the cost of venue hire and catering. Ahead of the event, we also met online to share ideas, agree actions, produce marketing content, and plan the event. This was promoted on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and also shared with VG’S registered volunteer database. Tickets were available via Eventbrite.
A Quick Sell Out Led to the Creation of a New Tool – A Board Directory
When the event quickly sold out with a waiting list, we introduced a Board Directory – a catalogue of available board roles across Glasgow. This both provided further support to those attending in discovering new trustee roles, and allowed recruiting boards to advertise to an interested audience. The Board Directory was shared with attendees post-event and on VG’s social media. Boards were also invited to post their vacancies on VG’s website.
On the Night
Pre-event, we gave guidance on a how to deliver an effective five minute elevator pitch to all of the board that were part of the event. The event, held at Project Ability 6, saw thirty people attend, with delicious catering from the wonderful social enterprise, Soul Food Sisters. Throughout the event we used a tool called Padlet which attendees could access via a URL or QR code in order to get full event , including the schedule, info on the participating boards, how to contact them and more. GCVS presented on ‘board basics’, a board member from Weekday Wow Factor spoke of their experience, six different boards discussed their organisation and how to apply to join their board, followed by matchmaking and networking.
A diverse range of boards presented with trustees delivering impassioned descriptions of the vital work they do and the support they need from trustees. They captured the audience’s attention and initiated lively conversations around the room afterwards.
We are gathering feedback from the participating boards to find out what difference it has made to them, and also to get their thoughts on what else we could do to support them with board recruitment and development going forward. Attendees of the event were surveyed to find out if they were able to find a role, and for feedback on the .
What’s Next?
The event attracted a high turnout and with people left on the waiting list, there was an appetite for repeating it. Our next event for Thursday 23rd February 2023 has already sold out with plans well advanced.
If you would like to learn when our next Getting on Board events are taking place, please follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn to find out.